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There are two levels of organization. Time level (which projects when, meetings, sprints, time allocation) and project level (user stories).

For the time level stuff, I use Google Calendar. This allows me to plan development work for the various projects around any meetings that end up on my calendar.

For the project level stuff, I use JIRA in kanban format with Blocked, Backlog, In Progress, For Review, Done.

I've been doing it this way for more than a decade ...

> Works ok but I feel I can do better, like adding a progress % or something to get a better overview of my tasks.

JIRA will give you a burn-down chart automatically, but honestly, that stuff is worthless.

One piece of advice. Do not kick back user stories unless there was a defect in the work. If you want to add something or do something differently, make a new story and mark that one as done. It kills morale to see the same stuff over and over again, makes it look like you're not making progress.

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