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Wow. Call me impressed. Having tried to make sense of the spoken text in the audio examples of the post I am stunned what the human brain is capable of once more.

I know one can learn a lot. The brain is an awesome "machine" that is quite capable. But listening to what he is describing as his regular screen reader voice and speed. I am more than positively flabbergasted.

I really love the fact that he can work, have a regular work life and hope he does also have quite a great private life as well.

Kudos to the author.

There is a trader at JPM (I think, this was a few years ago) who has a similar set up. The computer reads out the prices/emails/research at like 400 words/minute. Totally incomprehensible.

You can try to speed up vids or audio when listening to something. I started doing that while cramming stuff, using 1.25 - 1.5 playback speed. You slowly start speeding up things, as you get used to it.

Actually I am doing this. Listening to a lot of audio books on my daily commute I find most regular speakers a little too slow for my liking. Especially in English (I am German and found that English seems to be often spoken slower in audio books).

I do 1,2 to 1,25. I did 1,6 for a time, but lost the fun in it as it felt too much of a rush and self optimization (more books in less time) instead of the joy of listening to a great story or great insights.

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