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Reject the PATRIOT Act Sneak Attack (eff.org)
85 points by zoowar on Feb 7, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

The letter lacks date, so I'm not sure if it's too late or is it still current?

This was posted on Twitter earlier today (~4 hours ago):


Tell your Representative to reject the #PATRIOTAct sneak attack before tomorrow's vote! https://eff.org/r.x8P

Meanwhile, back in Egypt...

Meanwhile, 20 years in the future US...

In particular, the bill would renew the following dangerously unchecked PATRIOT powers:

The government’s power under PATRIOT Section 215 to obtain secret court orders for Internet, phone and business records of people who are not suspected of terrorism or spying; The government’s "lone wolf wiretapping" power, allowing it to get court orders authorizing secret foreign intelligence wiretaps against individuals who have no connection to any foreign power or terrorist group; and The government’s power to obtain blank-check "roving" wiretap orders that can be used to tap any phone number, email account or other communications facility that the government believes is being used by its target.

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