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Serious question: If you're not signing (age does not*), then what is the point of the AEAD STREAM scheme? By definition, nothing is authenticated, right?

Consider this attack.

You found a vulnerability in FooSmith and want to collect a bounty. You're keeping the vuln secret both for security reasons, and so no one else can jump your claim.

FooSmith has announced a bounty process where you can claim a bounty by sending an encrypted message with a novel vulnerability according to a specified process.

So you send a report using the mandatory bounty collection form, which starts off with a fixed position field "Bitcoin address to pay bounty to: <address goes here>".

I happen to know what address you're going to use since you posted it so everyone could see when you got paid. I happen to have write access to FooSmith's issue tracker. I xor youraddress xor myaddress into the stream at the right position, and tada thanks to the fragility of stream ciphers, esp unauthenticated ones: it decrypts to a different message that asks for the payout to my address.

Adding a digital signature to the encrypted wouldn't have magically made it secure: I would just rip that one off and replace it with my own-- FooSmith can't authenticate a signature here, the authentication is "common membership inside an encrypted message", and without authentication that can't work securely.

There are other attacks when the encryption lacks a auth. Imagine you run a network service that accepts encrypted messages and decrypts them then reports back various distinct result messages based on what the input decrypted to.

I have an encrypted message for your service authored by someone else and I'd like to learn about its content. Without auth I could start sending it to you over and over again, flipping bits in it to learn about the content. In some cases, when the planets align just right, this kind of bug lets you use the service as a decryption oracle-- you can get the entire encrypted message!

(Toy example: if the service reports the input in an error message, simply corrupting the first bit might instantly get you the content. But it can be much more complex and subtle than that.)

This isn't to say that you couldn't build a security protocol that didn't use authed encryption... you can, but without auth the encryption doesn't form a nice abstracted layer and much more of the application has to be analyzed from the perspective of cryptographic attacks. History has shown people fail to do this well, so authed encryption should almost always be used unless there is a really good reason why it can't be.

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