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That's an interesting take. I read the README and the architecture document at [0]. Based on that, the way I see it, your approach is different but essentially equivalent to the typical non-performance-oriented ECS architecture. Entities are still runtime-configurable, Component updates are done in batches and in appropriate order. You've thinned out Systems, moved their code to their corresponding Components, and provided places to hook component mount/unmount code.

To me, doing stuff like this seems more intuitive than more "traditional" ECS approaches, but perhaps that's because I was never comfortable with the idea of Systems.

Eyeballing the code, the only slight architectural drawback I see is that the code must always belong to a particular Component, even when that code operates on multiple Components as equal partners (this is the ECS eqiuvalent of "your language doens't have multimethods" problem in OOP). If I understood correctly, you solve that by creating a Component composing other Components.

One particular thing I like about your overall architecture is that it explicitly covers state machines - both at the game (scene) level and at per-entity level. Various other ECS examples I saw on the web tend to completely ignore this topic, and it's pretty much the first thing I hit when I start using them: where do I put state machines?

Overall, OctopusKit looks like a solid piece of work. Congratulations, and do a Show HN: if you haven't done it yet!


[0] - https://invadingoctopus.io/octopuskit/documentation/architec....

Thank you!

> the ECS equivalent of "your language doesn't have multimethods" problem in OOP ... you solve that by creating a Component composing other Components.

I'm not sure about having solved that, but yes, a component may check its entity for other components to inspect and/or modify, even add/remove components from its entity, or add/remove entire entities from the scene (like a ShootingComponent asking a PhysicsComponent to simulate recoil, and spawning bullet entities.)

If a dependency is missing, a component alters or omits parts of its behavior or silently skips its frame update.

I'd really like to try the SwiftUI idiom in games, where the code is a declarative description of a scene, that an engine can take to construct the actual scene using whatever architecture it wants under the hood.

I also wonder how far you could take SwiftUI itself for making games without using any other framework.

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