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Former 'MythBusters' host living in San Francisco keeps getting his stuff stolen (sfgate.com)
17 points by turtlegrids on Dec 28, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Cars getting broken into and stolen is absolutey par for the course in San Francisco. The cops don't do anything about it, and tell you to fill out an online police report. When cops don't care, the criminals know to focus on this. That's why mass shoplifting of stores is also a big problem in SF, the cops don't care because the politicians changed it from a felony to a misdemeanor. It happened right in front of my eyes in SF where a gang of kids filled their backpacks with whatever they could and ran out of the store. They were so cocky they just ran a block away and started walking after that, and no one did anything. The manager said calling the cops was pointless because they won't do anything.

It's Adam Savage and 2 "incidents" in 3 months isn't too crazy I know plenty of people that get their window replaced just in time for it to be bashed in again. If he's been street parking in the mission for 10 years I wonder how many times a year this normally happens to him.

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