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I interpreted as: we have no guarantee that they won't need an internet connection to operate.

Not saying a manufacturer might not think about making a TV that must be connected to the internet but, even leaving aside privacy etc. issues, that's a huge minefield. Not everyone has internet everywhere that they might care to install a TV.

And it wouldn't take much for Best Buy or Walmart to stop carrying your product after one too many customers return it because it wouldn't work.

People made this argument about Steam, Battlenet, game DRM, etc. But it happened anyway.

Yes, but those are things you install. Some services require an Internet connection and people accept that. You can’t use Netflix without an internet connection either (although you can download to watch offline). That’s different from taking a TV home and it not working even as a dumb display because you don’t have an internet connection.

Ahh, I misunderstood! I would say that is when it gets returned if I need internet to operate my TV.

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