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Have you driven one? Energy is 1/4 the price or less and efficiency is better even if your electricity comes from fossil fuels because small heat engines suck. Torque curve is better. Little maintenance, no oil changes, quiet, better handling. EVs are objectively superior in every single way except recharge speed amd range, and the gap has closed for the latter and is closing for the former. ICE is dead except for long haul and heavy driving where you don't often park the vehicle.

I have an older Leaf and it was an incredible deal for a commuter car. I don't understand why anyone gets anything else. The fuel cost savings and lack of maintenance alone are worth it, but it also drives and accelerates better than a smaller gas commuter car.

> I don't understand why anyone gets anything else.

Presumably different reasons for different people, but my dealbreakers are a) I rent and park on the street in a suburb where there's no charging infrastructure and b) every time I run the numbers, they're still too expensive. (e.g. a used Leaf runs about double what my used ICE was, and it's too much of a difference for savings on fuel and oil changes to make up.)

edit: The range is also a real concern. I get several dozen days of snowboarding in per winter and frequently go hiking, backpacking and climbing in the summer. Ski hill parking lots, hostel parking lots, and trail heads don't have charging infrastructure. I'd need 400km of range at -20C as a minimum viable EV.

Yes. I was referring to the 'hype over EV companies'. Bad phrasing on my part.

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