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I used Sapper before, I quite like it.

But now I wanted to explore how one would build something like Sapper, this is why I went for base Svelte and then added a router. I now have pretty much what I used Sapper for and the setup is simpler.

Also, Sapper doesn't seem to be in active development.

Fair enough. I'm dabbling with Svelte/Sapper myself but I'm not at a point where I could roll my own with SSR and all that. Still trying out different ways to build components, gravitating towards having a fat global.css file and keeping the components themselves as thin as possible.

>Also, Sapper doesn't seem to be in active development.

For three months or so, but I wouldn't worry about that, because just a thin layer on top of Svelte, and the maintainer is very active in the Svelte repo it seems. It may only get bumps if something breaks.

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