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In typical Lisps a vector would be a one-dimensional array, which by default is not specialized to a particular data-type. So the most general data type would be the n-dimensional array and a vector would be a one-dimensional array. A matrix would be a two dimensional array. In Common Lisp one can also ask Lisp to generate a type-specific array (like a string, a bitvector, an array of single-floats, ...).

In R it's slightly different. The vector (being generally without dimensions) is the base data type and n-dimensional arrays are made of a vector and dimensions. A matrix is then a 2d array. Also vectors/arrays are by default type-specific.

> support for macros

From what I've seen, R does not support macros, but functions which can retrieve/generate code at runtime. That's an early mechanism which got replaced by macros in Lisp. Macros in Lisp are source code transformers and can be compiled - thus they are not a runtime mechanism like in R or earlier Lisps with so-called FEXPRs.

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