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A service call is either something simple. For example, to unclog a toilet is just the fee. If it goes over an hour it costs extra. I had to have a 80 foot line snaked out and a camera run to see what the problem was and that was $180.

Right! I need actual work done. I understand it is $95 - to flush a toilet. But like, actual work, with tools, actually doing a job for 30 minutes. It is very expensive.

> My plumber wont show up for a 30 minute $300 job.

You brought up a 30 minute job. So I shared what it costs for me for a 30 minute (or more) job. And that it’s easy to get someone to come quickly for such a job.

I’m saying that if the problem can be solved in an hour, it’s $95. This is called a “service call.” Basically coming out and fixing what can be fixed without buying parts.

Any extra labor would cost more. This is a much better situation than yours since you can’t even get a plumber to help you flush a toilet for $300. That’s unfortunate.

Thus my suggestion from me that you could get better contractors. I think it’s reasonable that you should be able to pay $100 for a 30 minute job and be satisfied. Rather than be willing to pay $300 and being unsatisfied.

You are right. I can't get home depot to throw something off the truck for less than $200 broken. (And deny it showed up). So, where you are, where you live, I envy it. I imagine a world of nice plumbers and helper people. Canada????

Don't use services with a "name" and multiple trucks that have a bunch of employees doing work under their umbrella along with a staffed office. Search for independent contractors who do their own work. And don't do what other people in this thread are doing by assuming that plumbers and other tradesmen are making big bucks because your bill is large. The umbrella companies charge a fortune and the actual workers make jack. The workers do it so they don't have to be bothered with the business end of things. I use independent contractors who know what they're doing, don't do more work than what is needed, and charge reasonable fees. I live in an average small town in the US. And yes: our main contractor is a nice young guy who actually loves helping old people who've been shafted by those big companies.

I’m in one of the top 10 metro areas. But I guess I’m just lucky. I do avoid the marketplace services (I think Home Depot’s used to be called RedBeacon) and go for independent operators as I think they have more experience and more money goes in their pocket.

I live in a smaller town and I had a very nice plumber show up in like 10 minutes for a simple job for $150.

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