Whoops. I should integrate with http://opening-times.co.uk/ perhaps. Although places like the fantastic Soane and Geffrye seem to get very few Foursquare checkins even at the busiest of times
you're not measuring how busy a place is, but rather matching demographics between foursquare users and the various museums.
I wouldn't be surprised to find that foursquare check-in's is a very poor proxy for this kind of venue. For bars/clubs and coffee shops maybe, but you're measuring with the wrong stick. Having said that, it does seem to confirm common sense (that most places are busiest on the weekends and mid-week is quiet).
opening-times.co.uk doesn't looks like it carries museum opening hours. Actually a semweb data source of visitor attractions and their opening hours would be a very valuable resource. I don't think one exists.
Spotted that immediately, but smart work anyway.