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Who else is hacking a project instead of watching the Super Bowl?
126 points by bdclimber14 on Feb 6, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 132 comments
I'm curious to poll the HN community to see who is working instead of watching the Super Bowl?

What's a superbowl? Im at the office building a desk for a new dev starting tomorrow, doing some wireframes, and then working on my side project.

Rock on, seriously, rock on!

Oh America are playing their version of rugby today? I did wonder why my twitter timeline suddenly filled up with tweets about commercials :P

Yes, sadly our version of "rugby" features lots of standing around, pads, and helmet-induced concussions. Are you gearing up for the Rugby World cup in your backyard this year?

It is actually having quite an impact in Auckland. I don't care too much for the rugby, but I welcome any improvements to our transport system etc.


Can't I do both? :) I'm on my laptop hacking while sitting in front of the TV.

Also I'm watching my website traffic do this:


Yup, doing both here, too. Was hoping for another halftime wardrobe malfunction, and getting close to having invite codes ready: http://yak.to

I just looked at your site, but I have no idea if I want an invite code. :)

Perhaps you could put at least some sort of teaser on the homepage as to what problem you might be solving or at least some clue as to the problem space.

Thanks for the feedback. Still trying to figure out the one-liner. The current meta description tag has the latest tagline: Overshare Anything.

I've been inspired most by Reddit (thanks again jedberg), but Yak is more playful, flirty, and local.

I'm interested to see what it is.

If you pass an invite code, I'll be glad to play with it and report bugs I run in to. My email is in my profile.

I didn't even know it was today until all these Super Bowl articles started showing up.

I was happy that the Bears lost a few weeks ago because it means I have another year to be able to walk around in my neighborhood without being hit by drunk drivers. (I live right by soldier field, and it seems they don't let you drive away from it unless you are utterly tanked. Someone ran a red light and was inches away from hitting a baby in a stroller. What the fuck.)

Sometimes it's hard to cheer for sports teams when you see the havoc their fans wreak. I used to think Chicago had it bad, but I have since learned that we're actually pretty tame when it comes to sports riots (at least until the Cubs finally win).

Reference: Montreal.

If by hacking project, you mean, "writing my senior thesis," then yes!

And if by "writing my senior thesis," you mean, going onto HN instead, then double-yes!

Not watching the super bowl to write python for my PhD project, but instead checking HN.

Count me in; I'm lying in bed with my laptop, hacking (and checking HN every now and then) right now. ATM, I'm trying to remake myself into a UI person (well, at least a half-assed UI person) and trying to clean-up the user-profile form for Quoddy[1]. To hell with football, the Dolphins aren't in the SB, and there's code to be written...

[1]: https://github.com/fogbeam/Quoddy

"there's code to be written..."

So true.

I should have gone for a way to work in a reference to this quote:

There are worlds out there where the skies are burning, where the seas asleep, and the rivers dream. People made of smoke, and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice...and somewhere else the tea is getting cold. Come on Ace...we've got work to do!

Oh well, maybe next time...

I had no idea the super bowl was on today. Or this month...

Doing both is certainly not difficult, football games feature a lot of downtime.


Got dynamic class loading working for my Faux framework yesterday. I guess I really ought to write a blog post about it tonight, but for now this sketchy overview will have to do:


I'm doing both, since neither team is my team I'm only half paying attention to it.

I also think it's hilarious how so many techies love to brag about not caring about football. I'd have thought that hackers would enjoy the complexity of the game (most of the programmers I know love football, and meeting up for beers on football Sundays is a ritual for us).

People think that sports and programming are mutually exclusive for some reason. As if you can't be a good programmer unless you hate sports.

Personally, I like to hack and I hold football season tickets.

My attention span is way too low for something like Football. I love soccer because most of the time, people are actually playing instead of standing around.

I find that in soccer they're usually rolling around on the ground peeking out from behind their hands.

Also, maybe if anybody ever scored in soccer it would be a little more interesting. At least hockey has better fights and the players don't fall down so much.

I don't watch sports, but a good half of my team at work does.

Football fosters too much conformity, just like every other organized religion.

Edit: Thought you were serious :-/

Bullshit. Conformity is when you like something because other people like it. Not liking something because other people like it is conformity, just conformity with a group you think you should be a part of.

It was obviously a joke.

Ah, sarcasm on the Internet: got me again.

Hmmm, I'm not watching the Superbowl, and I'm Catholic.

The complexity is actually one of the reason's I'm less attracted to American football than, say, soccer. In my experience programmers like simplicity and elegance, of which the NFL, with its large collection of seemingly arbitrary rules, has neither.

That's not to say I don't enjoy watching it (especially being a Wisconsinite...).

Could have to do with the presentation. I'm interested in better understanding the complexity of the game, but all the hype and advertising can be a turn-off.

The only competition going on that I'm aware of is a three-way match-up between python, javascript, and my brain.

That's what I'm talking about. I'm sure that the super bowl is awesome, but now that I have my weekend project (http://goo.gl/JdBqR) out of the way, I am working on the backend.

I've been working on finally beating zelda 2 on virtual console, catching up on client work and thinking about my next move with the TryAPL (https://github.com/shaunxcode/TryAPL) project I've been hacking on.

I'm putting together the release notes for the most substantial update for any project I've ever done. Probably shouldn't release yet if everyone's watching the Superbowl. Tomorrow it is?


Count me in! I am in a bookstore checking HN and putting together some physics related data in Lisp (if this can be considered hacking of course).

Just got done with a 2-3 week binge of programming, taking time to regroup and refocus.

Just got done reorganizing all of my research in one note, loaded up on skydrive (impressive how far live has come since I last looked).

Ran across this device which I must own: http://www.wirelessgoodness.com/2011/02/04/noteslate-the-100...

Toying with the idea of dumping all of my research out of one note and into the interwebs, raw. Haven't decided one way or another yet.

I'm working on my startup. I figured if I can be watching the game I can be working just as well. Work won. :)

Working on my startup, getting ready to launch this month, although I think its wonderful that the rest of my nation is really into a Superb Owl.

...is that today?

I've been busy hacking for weeks, didn't even notice.

Multi-tasking! Programming isnt really something you can multi task, but I'm only watching forthe commercials and half time show.

I am. Playing around with Google App Engine and Honeycomb at the same time, making some tools for tabletop gaming. Just uploaded first revision (very feature incomplete) at https://github.com/cgranade/ProjectUmbra/.

I was playing music from Borodin's Prince Igor at an orchestra concert this afternoon; does that count?

(We had a good audience, too -- I have a feeling that the set of people who attend classical music concerts doesn't overlap very much with the set of people who watch football.)

Define "hacking" and "project" please. Well, I'm doing something with PHP and CSS. Does it count?

I'm in the home office with a hot cup of Casi Cielo working in the bowels of CoreText and Quartz for a huge feature update to my iPhone/iPad app. When I need an eyeball break, I walk into the living room to see if I can catch a cool commercial)

There are two types of people:

Those who watch the Super Bowl, and those who run ads during the Super Bowl.

In Wisconsin it is sacrilegious to not watch a Packer game; that said I am still on HN.

I'm tutoring a compsci student. Does that count?

Totally! Hacking away since 24h on my project: http://www.virtualrockstars.com

My wife across the room is also hacking on something for SXSWi. Love being married to another coder!

That's awesome.

Why choose? :)

I am watching the game (Packers just scored) while working on a hobby game project.

Yup... added support for ignore files to my CLI util (written in node.js) for managing dotfiles using git: https://github.com/mcantelon/node-deja

I'm hacking my pantry. Right now, making chicken stock by using leftover carcasses from whole chickens that I cut-up myself in the last few months. Will freeze the stock to keep it up to 3 - 4 months and during that time can cut-up some more chickens to use in the next cycle. The stock is very simple to make and involves mostly inactive cook time (3-4 hrs simmering) and it teaches you to work with whole chicken rather than cut-up parts, making it more economical. And, it makes your house smell wonderfully delicious :)

Hah, I'm doing the same thing. But I'm using my stock for fresh chicken soup. It's a good break from hacking.

Super bowl (of soup).

Sort of. I'm finally getting around to making a bandcamp page for my unreleased music:


This is a direct reaction to seeing this excellent chart from the "Knack for Getting Money" thread, and wanting to move as much finished work as I can from the middle category to the right-hand category:


I noticed that there seems to be no easy way for Haskell programmers to use bcrypt, so I made something similar, with the goal of making good security trivial. It's just a slick API around PBKDF1, with painless support for increasing the number of iterations:


Now I've just got to persuade a few people to switch away from insecure methods.

I'm not naturally a sports fan, but I always find it good for social purposes to stay at least marginally aware of them (at least the major events). So, hacking in front of the TV for a change.

That said, football brings to mind a great PG quote: "Kids are sent off to spend six years memorizing meaningless facts in a world ruled by a caste of giants who run after an oblong brown ball, as if this were the most natural thing in the world."

Working on my site so i can launch my freelance web design & UX business!

Time to get back to wrestling with the CSS, which isn't always easy for us right-brained types :)

I'm working on setting a new layout for thingist (the current one [http://thingist.com] looks terrible).

The new layout is here: http://dev.thingist.com/index.html nothing here will work properly, though, and it will probably blip in and out of actually working (it's a staging server [well, a virtual one]).

agreed on the current, and the new one seems broken.

Yeah, I'm still working on getting the new one into the code.

Unfortunately, it's more than just a simple css file rewrite.

edit: new layout is pretty much applied (to the staging [virtual] server).

Oh that superbowl thing? Yeah I just found out they played one last February, I guess that's cool, does it happen every year? I wouldn't know, I'm not one of those proletariat mouth-breathing football fans, it's not even real football anyway. Instead I've been hacking a RESTful Ruby on Rails application that combines social media, blogging, and Markov chaining, all in 200 lines.

Watched a little and spent time debugging why Facebook invites with fb:multi-friend-selector were not working (serverfbml leading to 404). I solved it and Facebook's new https feature, if enabled by the user, is the cause :( Filed bug: http://bugs.developers.facebook.net/show_bug.cgi?id=15066

Do you know how much Karma you need to create a poll? I don't believe I have enough, or don't know how to.

I think it's pretty low... http://news.ycombinator.com/newpoll

20 - At least that what it says when not logged in.

I swear I read somewhere there was a high karma limit. Guess not, thanks.

It was 200 when it lauched a couple of years ago, not any more.

I've been taking a break from working on http://101in365.com to watch the commercials sometimes, but yeah... hacking on a project is way more fun! Managed to get a lot done today too! Good that my friends have all be pre-occupied by the game so I can concentrate!

I was able to get shoehorn jquery-facebook-multi-friend-selector (https://github.com/mbrevoort/jquery-facebook-multi-friend-se...) To work for a beautiful mobile app I am working on, that I hope to show off soon.

Some of us just weren't born with the sports-watching gene. You'd have to pay me, and pay me well, to watch the SuperBowl or any other TV sports (they're all equally tedious, in my eyes). And, in answer to your probable question, no I'm not female or gay.

I'm working on an AM/PM taskmanager circle-clock. http://breefield.com/lab/days/ Japanese characters are via Google translate, probably horribly wrong, but mostly for aesthetic.

I am. I come up with a dumb little site idea and decided to implement it using PHP and the 960.gs system, both things I want more practice with. Also tried out some new (to me) Photoshop techniques to try to modernize my design style.

My bowl game happens to be between Postgre and MySQL. My development environment MySQL instance and Heroku's Postgre are very different with aggregate functions.

i.e. How can I possibly select parent rows where ALL children match a certain criteria.

Building a query cache for the distributed proxying layer in http://www.hybrid-sites.com/tech/ - much better than this "football" of which you speak ;-)

I've been working on my project non-stop this weekend and yesterday was my birthday. Took a dinner and cake break and got back to it. When you're really into something, it's all you can think about!

I plotted the week's hourly average Locational Marginal Pricing (LMP) as reported by ERCOT, looking into the "rolling blackouts" in Texas.


Working on personal projects tonight. Nothing that'll make me money directly but it's enhancing my skill set.

Don't have the game on in the background even, no tv reception. It simplifies life quite a bit.

I'm doing a bit of both ;) Hacking a WordPress theme for http://beyondthefocus.com while watching bits of the game & commercials.

Yup! Hacking happily away on http://social-igniter.com couldn't care less about the Super Bowl- I don't even know who's playing.

I am working. I am the CTO for Alliance Acquisitions (http://www.alliance-acquisitions.com) Much left to get done.

Visiting my girlfriend's dad at the cancer center. He is a lifelong Steelers fan. I am a lifelong coder. The game is on, but I am sitting here working on a Django app.

The super bowl isn't going to code my start-up project for me!

I am! I've been fixing up my side project, www.bookshrink.com, which I recently submitted here and got a bunch of feedback on. What project are you working on?

Does brewing beer count? -dashes off as his wort boils over-

Ever since I left my old job (heavy football culture) I haven’t really gave a damn for handegg. Working on my local city bus webapp instead.

The new FUEL PHP framework is great, BTW.



It needs a few more hours of for docs and testing before it is ready.

Yeah, just started it two days ago -- http://developers.propagandaproject.org

Doing project work (not my own though) but definitely not watching the super bowl. Had a nice dinner with my wife, now back to hacking.

I am! I'm working on a modular synthesizer. But I've taken a couple breaks to get food and catch up with friends partying downstairs...

Starting a project for my cs class...due tomorrow.

Well actually just given up as its late UK time, always get a lot done in the quiet time on Sunday evenings when no one else is about!

For sure, I'm hacking away on some utilities ArgyleSocial.com, while the wife watches a Masterpiece Theatre movie.

The Super...what is on tonight? :)

Just for the record, I am multi-tasking as well.

Watch a few dozen guys play with balls for a few hours or work on an unbelievably cool project...I'll stick with the latter :)

I'm watching Murder! by Hitchcock as homework for my film studies class. First time in years that I haven't watched the game.

I'm drawing sketches for next ver of Flipboard while watching superbowl on twitter on flight to SFO. Does that count?

I'm watching my first ever super bowl, and I'm full of chilli dogs. It's 2.30 am and I'm at work in 5 hours :-/

Wow, I didn't even think of it, but yes, I am hacking on a new rails project instead of watching the superbowl.

me -- social hacking rather than code, but still ...


I've been working on Datkey.com for a white and it's way more fun than superbowl...that's just me though

Super What now?

Oh, you mean that new-commercial showcase everybody talks about? Most of them were on YouTube yesterday.

Oh. Wait, the Superbowl was this weekend? Oops. All I knew was that Pittsburgh was playing Green Bay.

Doing circuit board layout and ordering samples online for my next embedded electronics project.

I'm drawing sketches for new version of Flipboard while watching game via twitter (on flt).

Does running an experiment count?

I'm chipping away at rewriting my uni's timetabling system. I am very full of caffeine.

Too true - I've been leanring Ruby on Rails 3 + Koala + omniauth today. Lots of fun...

I have zero interest in football (and its not really football anyways ;)

I call it American Tackleball...

My bowl is business casual, wearing glasses, raised in Kansas.

Not realy hacking, bug I'm bugfixing as webOS app =)

Yep! Working on my startup: www.interstateapp.com :)

I am in a Python class getting to take a quiz.

Definitely. Startup work in full effect.

Working on my new smartphone project.

Mostly watching the commercials...

Definitely working on my blog.

Pacman AI > Superbowl!

What is the "Super Bowl"?

Oh crap, was that today?

...Are you stalking me?

What is Super Bowl?

I'm doing both...

if i'm doing both, does that count?

That's how I'm rolling... http://cl.ly/4RRV

Amen to that

The super bowl is today? I'm hacking Spork!

Did anyone else have the misfortune of seeing the halftime show? The biggest stage in the world, and they get the black eyed peas to perform?

there are bugs to fix..

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