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Most professionnal audio software is like that - you can have e.g. a thread per track to make it simple but you also have to ensure that each execution cycle does not take more than 1 millisecond else you get audio glitches. And there is no limit to how hard you have to improve - this is a central factor for people buying your software (see dawbench) and artists really really don't like limits - they will always try to add more effects, etc etc on each track.

Agreed but I'd hardly call pure software professional real time audio setups a disruptor of the vast majority of systems. Put all of these niche compute heavy multithreaded real time use cases and you have <1% the CPU market.

I.e. my claim was "There aren't really many 'performance critical' multithreaded environments in the world." not that there aren't any.

> Agreed but I'd hardly call pure software professional real time audio setups a disruptor of the vast majority of systems.

I mean, there's still a few hundred thousand people registered on DAW-related forums so certainly a fair bit more are using those. That is more than a dozen european countries. Sure, it's not angry birds but I do not think that it is relevant to cater to the lowest common denominator of software.

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