For gravity and EM fields the inverse square law is a consequence of a massless force carrier particle and Lorentz invariance. Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell by Zee talks about this early on.
An interesting but rather overcomplicated seeming explanation. The posted article basically is saying inverse square laws results from conversation of flux (of any kind) in 3d. That seems like a pretty good explanation to me
But for force laws, having a massless carrier is critical for an inverse-square law. With massive carriers (like the carriers of the weak force, W+Z bosons) the range of the force scales like 1/M; the force law is more like exp(-Mr)/r ---> 1/r as M-->0. The diminishing of the force with exp(-Mr) means flux isn't conserved. (note I worked in units where hbar = 1 = c, so that the W's mass ~= 80 GeV/c^2 corresponds to 1/M << 1 fm)
But also things that aren't radiation or high energy physics. Inverse square laws are ubiquitous in hydrodynamics, heat flow, electrostatics. Good ole fashioned 19th century physics. And I think that's its most natural arena.