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Or they could go, "Oh, wasn't that weird!" and then forget about it.

Sure, just like I'm sure you'd forget seeing a literal flying saucer, glowy lights and everything. Just like all the alien-visitation advocates forget it, and don't try to tell others.

First, you're making the assumption people have actually seen such things, rather than making up stories to draw attention to themselves.

Second, a helicopter high in the sky in broad daylight would be far less freaky.

Third, it's not inevitable that just anyone goes and form entire religions and mythological worlds based on seeing something fly by in the sky. You're average person just simply isn't that creative.

1) you're making the assumption that people haven't.

2) a noisy, black, flying thing that's bigger than any bird won't draw attention, clearly. Why would it be less freaky?

3) totally agree. But your average person does tell other people. Do you think Spielberg made Close Encounters because he was visited by aliens? Or a significant number of the many many many other alien books / movies?

1) you're making the assumption one should accept something as true without the slightest shred of evidence beyond someone claiming it to be true. Well, I'm the King of Atlantis. Now the onus is on you to prove me wrong!

2) nobody said it wouldn't draw attention. Watch the video. It did. But where's the evidence that having seen something freaky has now just irreparably altered their way of life?

3) Not sure where you're going with that. People tell stories, some of those stories have budgets, but...how has that changed our way of life? If (if!) these people go on to tell their children about the Big Noisy Freaky Thing In The Sky for generations to come...so what? Does this in any way prevent them from living the lives they have always lived? Does the fact that they've seen such a thing now mean that we have to invade their culture and "civilize" them, because otherwise...well, otherwise what? At most, they've got a new god to add to their stories. If that.

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