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What would be a good starting point to learn more about the topics described in this article? I felt like I understood the gist, but a lot of things went over my head.

Douglas Hofstadter's "Gödel, Escher Bach" does a very slow gradual walk through Gödel's incompleteness theorem. If you can get into his writing style, it's a good way to really "get" the points.

Thanks for the recommendation! I actually just picked it up off a friend's bookshelf yesterday and it's next on my list of books to read.

I appreciate your response!

Chaitin's "meta math" is also a good read. Less arduous than G.E.B.

Chaitin made the very good point that inferential undecidability (incompleteness) is too important a result to depend on the triviality of the existence of the proposition I'mUnprovable. Fortunately, inferential undecidability of strongly-typed theories can be proved without using the nonexistent I'mUnprovable.

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