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This looks very promising, and I hope that they're able to pull it off (especially at that price point--it has enough potential that I might be willing to buy it sight-unseen for $99... heck, I'm considering putting in a pre-order already!)

Reasons that I want one: * E-INK * Optionally in color! (I like the blackboard aesthetic, to say nothing of green-on-black) * Lightweight * Long battery life * Ability to read text files (on the dev roadmap, at least) * Open-source firmware (in case the ability to read text files doesn't manifest itself quickly enough for my tastes, and for general hackability) * Central place that I can keep all my notes and easily take them with me pretty much anywhere

Additional things that I probably need in order to have it be more than a fun toy: * Responsiveness (as others have mentioned, too much lag between pen motion and stroke appearance is probably a deal-breaker, though if it only happens occasionally it's okay; my current tablet has the same problem and it's still usable for me) * Better navigation (it seems pretty shoddy; I don't want to have to flip through a hundred pages to find a particular note... and once I do, how do I get back to the front page?) * Hierarchical ability to group pages together (so I can keep my shopping lists in one place, my notes for classes in a different place--sets of pages grouped together by specific lecture, which are then grouped together by class--and my todo list in another place...)

Additional things that I want but don't need: * Ability to use external keyboard to write to text files (this would be awesome, but I can also appreciate that it might go against their ethos) * PDF and text file annotation * Infinite paper with scroll and zoom (I'm less certain of this, though; seems like it would be great for mindmapping and stuff like that, but it also seems like it could be easy to lose things off in the middle of nowhere) * Ability to rearrange text (rectangle/lasso select and then drag/cut/paste) * Tactile sense of drawing on paper (This would be awesome, but my tablet works pretty well for me without it)

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