I wanted to say exactly that. I've never been a big fan of vim plugins in IDE's, even though I still prefer them over no vim bindings. The VS code or Eclipse vim bindings are 'not great' at best, for example. But CLion + vim plugin is actually very good: it uses my .vimrc, doesn't mess up undo/redo, supports things like block select in visual mode, etc. The only downside is that it interferes with some standard CLion keybindings (which is inevitable I guess), so you have to remap some things.
Out of curiosity is the plugin just called vim or what? I've been craving getting back to using vim style controls to edit text (and use CLion when working with Rust) so would be interested in at experimenting with this.
It also has two popular vim packages, surround and easymotion you can use too, which I really like.
I then customize all the IDE stuff to vim combos.... super nice.
only PITA is in some drop downs on a number of jetbrains products is that it doesn't play nice with auto hotkey, I have ALT-J and ALT-K bound to up and down arrow keys which makes for a much nicer vim experience when dealing with autocomplete drop downs ( or any drop down )