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Support grows for universal power adapter (thestandard.com)
17 points by ilamont on June 15, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Seriously, this should be implemented on the device level. Its stupid easy to add one of these: http://octopart.com/search?q=dc+to+dc to your circuit board along with a 4 diode rectifier bridge and support a dizzying array of different inputs all at once. Lets just say 12-24 volts and let the individual machines that plug in sort out what they are going to do with that.

IMHO this is long overdue.

I really dig devices that allow for charging via USB. However, I can see how some devices are going to need more than +5V.

I'd love to see some growth on the "no wires" side we have been hearing from, too. Nothing worse than the tangle of wires you plug all your gadgets into when you walk in the front door.

Me, too -- or Firewire. Unfortunately, the USB physical connection in practice is really only universal on one end. I have 5 different "USB A to something else" cables here.

Does anyone know how these would compare in efficiency versus dedicated adapters? Seems to me like it would have to be lower, no?

The efficiency could be terrible and still save energy verses the parasitic draw of the multiple wall-warts I need to charge all of my stuff today.

This doesn't even take into account the energy needed to make and ship so many different adapters.

The problem is that companies with proprietary power adapters can charge a premium for them, probably earning a significant margin. It's not currently in a manufacturer's economic interest to support a standard adapter when that means their overall margin will be reduced.

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