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I'm disappointed given the headline that there wasn't any mention of the make of mattresses that are being stolen. We bought a new mattress about a year ago and sampled some in the $20K+ (yes!) range just for the fun of it. If these are legit 5 star luxury hotels experiencing mattress theft, they could be of the same cost variety. We like our much less expensive one a lot better, even if it isn't the same model that was on the Titanic or used by royalty.

There are 10,000 mattress stores in America—for reference there are 14,000 Starbucks [0].

The markup must be sky-high to sustain that, and I‘d assume hotels buying factory direct at a fraction of retail.

Never mind the product tie-ins mattress companies do with hotels [1] (which is pretty genius... how often do you really get to test a new mattresses?)

[0] https://www.npr.org/transcripts/676543180?storyId=676543180?...

[1] https://www.serta.com/mattresses/hotel-collections

Yes, the markup is huge.

There's a local retailer that sells "natural" latex mattresses for about $2200.

You can find sites online where you can buy all the components and make your own latex mattress ("make" being stack the components in the outer shell and zip it closed) for under $500 shipped.

It goes in both directions

In Germany I paid like 20€ for my mattress

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