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I worked at a hotel for ten years. You’d be amazed at the number of things that are suppressed. Dead bodies, bed bugs, etc all happen far more frequently than you’d think but are cleaned up quietly and quickly.

Bed bugs sounds like the cost of doing business, but are you serious about dead bodies? How do you clean those up “quietly and quickly”?

Statistically if you have a hotel with 300 rooms and tens of thousands of individual night guest stays over many years, people definitely will randomly die of natural causes. Same as if they were in bed at home.

Suicides are common in hotels because people don’t want to burden their loved ones with the shock of finding their body or having to clean up the mess.

Pick a time during the day while most guests are out. Put the body in a body bag, load it on a stretcher. Take the service lift to avoid the lobby.

No hotel deals with bodies themselves. They will call the police.

There is a Nathan for You episode of this that is quite brilliant.

Morgue units blend in a lot better than police.

Betty fetches the lye will Jim brings up a barrel from the custodial locker?

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