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I'm cautiously optimistic. Twitter has been been making some bad decisions with content moderation, and has abandoned the idea of being the "Free Speech Wing of the Free Speech Party". Decentralization should restore that...

...should. That notion could disappear really fast if Twitter gets to decide who can run an instance based on their belief systems.

In the mean time, it's an interesting case study of what happened to Wil Wheaton when he tried to join a Mastodon instance. Already, even in these comments, people are expressing concerns about how Twitter will be able to maintain control over "misinformation and abuse".

That's the whole point of decentralization guys. It's impossible to moderate Twitter without being authoritarian and creepy. Bail on the concept of controlling others, and delegate that power to the end user by means of improved blocking tools.

If decentralization is going to work, we have to abandon our desire to control others with a centralized authority, and accept that responsibility as our own.

“Free speech” twitter alternatives exist, and invariably turn into cesspools (see gab.ai).

I believe they turn into those cesspools because only people that feel outside of mainstream networks due to bans and stuff, end up there.

It would be a different scenario if it was the big network that supported free speech instead of a new ban reactionary network

Is gab really a “cesspool”? I just looked at it for the first time. The way people talk about it I was expecting /pol/ squared, but the parts I could see without making an account seemed surprisingly normie, more reminiscent of instapundit than Stormfront.

Gab is a good site and has been vilified by the rage mobs that only want to hear one side of any issue. And like many sites, there will always be the fringe lunatics, but that is what free speech is all about.

Free speech includes things people may not want to hear, plus the definition of hate speech is a constantly moving target.

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