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They are normally so poorly done because it does not matter. Most porn sites are either traffic sites or membership sites. If its a traffic site then the goal is just to upsell and send the user to another site and if its a membership site then the users care much more about the content than the site.

I think you're right. But at the same time, we know that Google is grading things on speed, and of course search engines love accessible sites (since they can read them easily too).

Maybe I'll just have to make one myself :)

I can only speak for one company, but I believe the vast majority of traffic comes from affiliates and not search engines. I was pushing to do more SEO and SEM, but there was a fear that the affiliates would revolt if we started taking steps to cut them out (the industry standard is 60-70% revenue share from affiliate sales, good affiliates make a LOT of money).

Traffic sites == affiliate sites. @ aebn they have an entire traffic department that does nothing but throw up traffic (or affiliate) sites and drive traffic to their theaters. Also the pure affiliate model has been in decline for some time now. I also personally own about 10 traffic sites and each one has appox 10 affiliate offers on it. the term "Traffic site" has nothing to do with how the user gets to the site e.g.: organic search vs clicking link on 3rd party page. It simply refers to the purpose of the page which is to drive traffic to another site.

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