I work for one of those big companies. After going over trouble spots in the resume and asking why they want to work here, I tend to ask one or two very similar questions that 1) force candidates to do nontrivial coding, algorithms, and design while writing a complete program, and 2) elicit a wide range of responses. I don't require a certain language or ding on syntax. We usually spend the rest of the hour on the question.
In general, bad candidates get me hinky in the resume portion (or worse, don't really want to work here!) then crash and burn on the programming question. Borderline candidates do ok in resume but make me feel like they're not that comfortable programming. Great candidates usually do something clever during the problem.
I believe that doing homework isn't convincing. It's too easy to cheat. That's probably why the commenter elsewhere on the thread got bounced from Google. Doing week-long trial runs would be ideal, but impossible at my company. We sometimes go contractor-to-hire though.
Can you be a great programmer and fail my interview? I think it boils down to three things: skills, communication, and pressure. If you lose your skills and communication under pressure for an interview day, you probably won't survive in my environment over the long haul.
In general, bad candidates get me hinky in the resume portion (or worse, don't really want to work here!) then crash and burn on the programming question. Borderline candidates do ok in resume but make me feel like they're not that comfortable programming. Great candidates usually do something clever during the problem.
I believe that doing homework isn't convincing. It's too easy to cheat. That's probably why the commenter elsewhere on the thread got bounced from Google. Doing week-long trial runs would be ideal, but impossible at my company. We sometimes go contractor-to-hire though.
Can you be a great programmer and fail my interview? I think it boils down to three things: skills, communication, and pressure. If you lose your skills and communication under pressure for an interview day, you probably won't survive in my environment over the long haul.