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Funny, these AHN's come up every few months or so. I wrote a good portion of the code and architecture for the kink.com sites. Decided to leave after 4 years working there pretty much because my job there was done, things work really well. Despite what people might think, it was not hard at all to find a 'real' job again as my experience working in extremely high traffic environments is desirable.

I've had mixed reactions when I mention it, but back then (2002ish) they paid my broke college-self infinitely better, and were doing stuff that was so far ahead of the "mainstream" clients wanting $200 all-flash sites.

I really regret not keeping in touch with those guys, aside from being able to show my mom what I work on now :D

Cool. I've been a member of the Kink site in the past and found it to be fast and well done. Did you just work on the back end stuff or did you also work on the design/layout of the site as well?

I did the backend stuff, but wrote a lot of the jsp pages as well. It is all Java/J2EE/JBoss/EJB3/Hibernate with some fairly complicated single sign on stuff going on to allow cross domain auto-login.

> Funny, these AHN's come up every few months or so.

And every time I wonder if it's someone trying to score free porn, or a date with an actress.

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