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A walk through the Magit interface (emacsair.me)
194 points by rohitpaulk on Dec 9, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 81 comments

What truly makes Magit powerful (like many things in Emacs) that it is extremely extensible.


When I'm ready to commit my changes:

I can spin-off a new branch:

- If I have an Org-mode task that I'm currently clocked-in, it can check if it contains a ticket number, then query the issue-tracking system and generate a branch name based on the description.

All it takes is pressing two buttons: `b s`, and the rest is done automatically

- I commit my changes, it can use a template and fill out the details, I just need to add a description. I can even make it so it compliant with git-commit format enforcer like gommit. I can add fields like reported-by, cc, etc. with a single keystroke;

- If I suddenly find out that I forgot to add something, I don't have to amend, I don't have to modify the commit, I can just stage my change and press `c e` - "extend". It will quietly add it to my previous commit.

- Using Forge I can create a PR. Once I push the PR, I can trigger a request to issue-tracker that marks the ticket as in "code review"

There are bunch of things that other Git clients can't do* and even when they do it, it's not so easy to extend them to work with different projects, issue-tracking systems, etc.

* e.g. you can select a bunch of files in Dired and see git log pertaining changes only to those files https://twitter.com/iLemming/status/1193025618742349824

> If I suddenly find out that I forgot to add something, I don't have to amend, I don't have to modify the commit, I can just stage my change and press `c e` - "extend". It will quietly add it to my previous commit.

Unless I’ve thoroughly misunderstood you, what you’re saying is that “c e” is equivalent to “git commit --amend”. This sounds suspiciously like “amend[ing]”.

Sure, git’s user interface is somewhere between mediocre and abysmal, but it’s not really clear to me that “c e” is a vast improvement.

I say this as a former org-mode user and even one-time contributor. Eventually I decided that the sheer number of magic incantations I had to remember to do anything useful wasn’t worth it.

It's actually `git commit --amend --no-edit`, but yes, it's basically "just" a shortcut. Count the keystrokes, though. If you spend much time working with git it's a huge win.

Of course you could do something similar with shell aliases or reverse search, but then there are other switches and flags that you need occasionally, etc. And it's sooo much more convenient to have everything in one place right in your editor. It's almost unfair how much faster I can get stuff done than folks who don't use it ;)

Magit isn't hype, it's as good as everyone says it is. You just have to try it.

> Magit isn't hype, it's as good as everyone says it is. You just have to try it.

Exactly! People switch to Emacs because someone shows them Magit. Even though they either don't care much about Emacs or it intimidates them.

I myself used IntelliJ for a long time. I have to say, IntelliJ has a superb Git integration. For a very long time I didn't want to switch to Emacs, because I didn't want to lose that. I thought Emacs's Magit thing just not good enough - it can't be, IntelliJ's seemed to be just unbeatable. Oh boy, how wrong I was. Wasted years of my life being ignorant.

If you spend much time with Git, you create aliases.

Not saying that Magit isn't worth it (never used it), but it's not a fair comparison. I don't `git commit --amend --no-edit`: I `git amend` to edit the last commit, `git amend HASH` to edit any commit, `git amend -i` to pick a commit to edit in a searchable list with preview of their content.

> git amend HASH

That's 9 characters plus the effort of finding and copy/pasting the hash. With magit it's two characters and you just focus on the hash in question.

> `git amend -i` to pick a commit to edit in a searchable list with preview of their content

That's cool! Still a lot more typing than with Magit, which also has a searchable list with content previews ;)

I'm happy that you've found ways to optimize your workflow, but seriously, Magit is still faster.

"If you spend much time solving equations you eventually get a knack for it. Not saying that calculators not worth it (never used one), I just don't think they are that much useful. Why do you need to carry something with you when you can do calculus and solve linear and quadratic equations in your head?"

That's how your argumentation sounds to me.

> Eventually I decided that the sheer number of magic incantations I had to remember to do anything useful wasn’t worth it

Isn't that the point of Magit?

People who never tried Magit often say either of these two things:

- "I'm already an expert in Git, I'm fine with the command line", or

- "Git is confusing already, I don't want to learn yet another thing"

The main point about Magit (unlike many other Git GUIs) - is to help you discover Git features, and allow you to do your work in a very efficient and simple workflow. However, it would do so without hiding Git mechanics from the user. Anytime you can check what the actual Git command gets executed.

Magit doesn't liberate you from learning Git internals, but at the same time it doesn't overwhelm you with tons of different command-line switches. You don't have to memorize anything, the reference for all the commands is always available to you.

I believe, I have become a Git ninja because of Magit. Without it, who knows, maybe I would never learn many features of Git.

New to using Magit… can I see your relevant config to do all that? I just recently discovered clocking in and out of tasks on org-mode and I’m intrigued by your setup.

Well, I could say "sure, here's my config * ", but all that I described may not be very simple and straightforward (especially for a beginner). For example: we use Jira at work and I can't stand it. I use go-jira command line client and "talk" to Jira from Emacs via that tool. Meaning that I had to configure go-jira and write some emacs-lisp code that executes it and then parses json, etc.

Also the workflow I described is not completely automated yet, I'm still experimenting and it's not very clean - things right now are scattered across different config files.

If you have any questions I would gladly try to answer them in a private chat: either email, twitter, signal, telegram or keybase. Let me know.

* https://github.com/agzam/dot-spacemacs

The granularity of staging and unstaging code, combined with the ease of doing things within the text editor that you're already using anyway are really great. I held off using Magit because I thought learning Emacs would be enough by itself, but Magit is intuitive and easy and I really love it. Made my git usage much more efficient within days of starting to use it.

Same but one caveat that still bothers me about it is that it's not a scriptable package.

I can't hook a function to automatically git pull changes when I open it because the pull command only works when the buffer is up.

I'm sure there is some magic to set the current buffer, but for me this is not trivial.

Ideally (magit-diff "myfile.py") should be all I need to do.

> Same but one caveat that still bothers me about it is that it's not a scriptable package.

What are you talking about? It's written in Emacs-lisp, the possibilities are virtually limited only by Emacs's capabilities. Explain what you're trying to do, maybe post your problem to emacs.stackexchange, r/emacs. I'm sure people would be able to help you.

Don't miss "Staging parts of a hunk", which is Magit's killer feature, IMO. You can easily go through your current diff (from staged) and add/remove single lines from the staged delta.

I hate to start sounding like a shill for this app, but this is also one of my favorite parts of https://git-fork.com/. When you are looking at changes you can easily stage any lines you want. I am able to work on multiple feature branches at the same time this way: you can make all the changes at one time stage only the lines you need for this branch commit, switch branches and repeat. It’s also great on a single branch when you want to make the changes as you go but want to commit things in more logical groupings. Helps for example when you are refactoring a few functions and want to stage each piece separately.

It's okay. Every time there's a discussion about Magit, people bring their favorite Git GUI to tell everyone how stoked they are to use it. I myself have tried several of them. However, majority of those apps are like Steve Yegge would put it: "are cookie-cutter solutions". Whenever you need a quick way of doing something that's not built into the tool, you have no option but to submit a feature request and wait. Sometimes wait for a very long time. With Magit you can just do it yourself. Emacs lisp is not super difficult to pick up. Besides, there are bunch of forums where people would happily help you.

One small example: I needed to see log of commits since the last pull, basically `git log ORIG_HEAD..HEAD`, but in a way that's compatible with Magit, otherwise I would just do it in the command line. It's not something that people would do very often, it's not usually built into the client. To get something like that to work with Magit, literally takes a single line of emacs-lisp.

Even that is something that Fork probably can handle with custom actions: https://git-fork.com/blog/page/3/#custom-actions. I agree that a lot of the times apps are mostly cookie cutter and Fork may not really be all that special, but it definitely feels like the devs try to make the common path easiest, but make it pretty simple to take the desired path without friction.

It is true that other tools have most if not all features of Magit. But I doubt there's a single tool that comes with all of Magit's features.

It's not [only] about being feature-rich Git client. It also about being extremely efficient. Efficiency of Magit workflow excels beyond comparison.

If you think that, you should probably be using the commit-patch tool:


Works on generic diff buffers, and is not tied to git specifically. And you can just edit the diff buffer, which gives you infinite flexibility. Since emacs already has vc mode, the only extra thing magit does is rebasing. For everything else, vc-mode and commit-patch are superior.

Sounds like you haven't used Magit very much. Browsing the manual for a few minutes, or looking at a screencast or YouTube video, would show you how much more Magit does than what you described.

Regarding commit-patch specifically, its readme says that, to commit parts of a patch in separate commits, hunks must be "killed, split, or edited" into separate patches.

Magit is obviously superior to that: with a few keypresses, hunks in the working tree can be staged, hunks in the index can be unstaged, etc. Unstaged changes in the working tree can quickly be sliced and diced and committed separately. Individual lines can be staged or unstaged by selecting them visually. Magit can even automatically back up changes at each stage of the process into special branches, so if you realize, hours or days later, that you accidentally discarded some code without committing it, you can easily retrieve it.

Magit is the most powerful, efficient version control tool. See for yourself: https://magit.vc/

> the only extra thing magit does is rebasing

You have no idea on how many levels that statements is false, there's much more than just the rebase:

- You ever needed to see branches in a specific order, sorted by committer-date?

- What about filtering them, maybe showing only those that yet not merged to master?

- What about ordering commits, searching through them, etc.

- You ever wanted to see all the commits authored by you that are at least two months older?

- Ever needed to see commits that only include a specific set of files?

- What about tracing the evolution of a given function?

- Bisects, have you ever done those?

- You ever had a stash that you can't pop because you made changes, and now you have to resolve conflicts?

- Have you ever thought about cherry-picking a specific line from a stash, another branch, etc.?

- Ever needed to work with submodules?

- Ever thought about how nice would it be to issue a Pull request without leaving Emacs?

I'm not sure when was the last time you tried Magit, but maybe try again. Perhaps then you'd appreciate how much good stuff people built into it. It's impressive because aside from a single (hugely successful) Kickstarter campaign and some small voluntary contributions, maintainer and contributors don't get paid for the fantastic work they do, and your comment in that context sounds a bit disingenuous.

Staging (and committing?) parts of a hunk is cool and I have done this many times myself. However, I am always uncomfortable with it because I am unsure how to incorporate it within the overall workflow. I'd like each commit of mine to at least compile and pass some tests.

So what's the problem? Commit often, make a bunch of commits. Or commit into the same commit over and over (<c e> - extend). Then depending on level of granularity you can either group related things together, or break one big commit into a bunch of smaller ones.

Rebasing with Magit is a joy, it feels like you're a tailor and you just need to cut the fabric into nice pieces, and if sometimes things get too big or too small, you can always quickly fix it. And even when it feels that you accidentally ruined everything, you can always look at the reflog and un-ruin everything back to normal.

The custom buid system we use at $WORK can build and run tests from the index (or any git revision really) specifically to facilitate fine grained commits.

I agree: what I often want is stash of selective parts, so I can test the current stuff before commit.

Magit supports this as well. In fact you can stash the index and working tree separately. Even CLI got cant do that.

I actually use emacs git-gutter to have a more visual way of seeing what's going into a commit or not. Having the inline annotations in the files I am working on it is great for doing the staging parts of a hunk.

Well, in Magit buffers that show diffs you can do refinements (see exact portion of changed thing in a line highlighted, not just the whole line). You can choose different diffing algorithm, ignore whitespaces, expand or narrow the context (i.e. it shows lines that changed, but you don't see the function header), detect renames, etc.

Git Extensions and Git Cola (possibly other GUI clients I haven't used) have the ability to view a diff and stage individual lines from it. Unfortunately they don't let me reorder lines in the diff.

Add tig to the large list of alternatives that can do this as well

Tig is the only other tool I’ve used which comes close to the speed and capability provided by Magit. I’ve recommended it to many people who don’t want to learn Emacs for one reason or another.

How does it compare to `git add -p`?

It's nonlinear. With `git add -p` you can press keys to go back and forth through the hunks. If there are a lot of them then it can get tedious. With Magit, on the other hand, you see everything in a window and you can use all of your usual emacs commands to scroll/search that window, and then hit the key to stage the hunks as you desire.

And also trivially stage parts of hunks, not just entire hunks. It is great!

You can do this with `git add -p` as well, except maybe not trivially (ha). There's the 's' command to split hunks into smaller ones, and then there's also 'e' to open the patch in your editor where you can change the raw patch to whatever you'd like, although in my experience editing it correctly is not straightforward.

I've just recently started using the `e` (edit) command in `git add -p`. It takes a little bit to get used to writing "correct" patches, but it's super powerful and I'm using it surprisingly often now.

I guess it might be really effective for those who know emacs.

For the rest of us we can select lines in vscode, and then either:

- right click,

- ctrl+shift+p <type stage, stage selected lines>

> I guess it might be really effective for those who know emacs.

You don't have to know Emacs to use Magit. People often try Magit, usually because someone shows them the workflow. They don't even want to learn Emacs to begin with, but Magit looks awesome.

tig is also fantastic for doing this.

- u for hunks

- 1 for individual lines


For those of you who want to stay close to git's CLI...

`git` (the binary) respects your choice of editor, as indicated by the environment variable `EDITOR`.

You should be able to do something like `EDITOR=code git add -p`, it'll open up hunks for editing in `code` (or intellij, or textedit, or whatever).

What's more, git core comes with `git gui`, which lets you stage line by line. It's not the slickest of tools, but it does the job just fine.

But like it was noted in the comment a few levels above - Magit's workflow is nonlinear. It doesn't feel like you're switching from one activity to another. Even when rebasing (which is very transactional), you still can peek into things in other branches, stash and un-stash, resolve conflicts, etc. World doesn't have to freeze just because you're doing "git add -p".

git gui is not the same thing as git add -p.

I'm sure magit is nice. It's just that everything you list as nice things about magit are in vanilla git as well. Maybe you prefer the presentation in magit, that's fine. The point is to be fully aware of the available options - which the author of the article doesn't seem to be, as they only compare against git add -p, not against git gui.

The one thing that's truly missing in vanilla git as far as I know is the ability to edit the index directly, without editing the checked out files. (Does magit allow that? It's not an advertised feature in the article as far as I can see...)

> nice things about magit are in vanilla git as well

Magit is not trying to replace Git, it's not pretending to be something else. You still have pretty much everything what's in Git. You can still use your aliases and run vanilla git commands. So why do you need Magit? For efficiency. You don't care about your efficiency? Fine. But please don't make conclusions that the advocates of Magit don't know better. We have tried other alternatives and we have used git command line.

> ability to edit the index directly, without editing the checked out files

What? I don't think I understand what you're asking for here. You stage parts of a file or the whole file. It shows up in "Staged changes" section of Magit buffer. You edit the file, save it, parts that are diverse now will be shown within "Unstaged changes" in a nice diff. You may choose to stage new changes, you may resolve conflicts in a three-way-merge window, discard your changes (staged changes remain), etc.

Why would you want to edit staged parts without modifying the file itself? I don't get it.

It happens to me with some regularity while massaging large patch series via rebase.

The common pattern is that as a consequence of squashing, rebasing, and so on, an early patch in the series has a bug / compile error that is trivially fixed in the next patch in the series.

In those situation, you have to fix the first commit in a middle of a rebase, but keep the result _after_ the next patch the same. This can currently be done by making the change, immediately reverting it, and then squashing things together again. That is, before you have:

    o -- A -- B

    o -- A -- F -- F^{-1} -- B
Then you squash A and F and F^{-1} and B to get:

    o -- A' -- B'
Having a more convenient way of doing such fixups would be nice, and I think being able to edit the index directly would help in some of them.

With Magit I wouldn't even need to do that. I would just snapshot the file * and continue changing it, then when I need the original version of it I would just pop it out off the stash.



So let's say you stage a few different things. Then run linter/code formatter/etc. You can see the changes done by the linter, you can refine the diff (so it shows not only the lines that changed, but also highlights the details), you can expand/narrow the context (for example if you can see the change, but can't see the function header and without it it's confusing). Then you can [selectively] stage those changes.

What about if you overwrite a few lines of something and now the original only exists in another branch? You can peek into that thing, check the diff, even jump into the version in the other branch (without having to check it out) and selectively "cherry-pick" lines of code.

It's a seamless workflow, it doesn't feel like you're doing one thing at a time, it feels more natural and doesn't require undivided focus like: "no, I can't afford a bathroom break right now, I'm in the middle of staging, goddammit."

git-gui (which has come with git basially since the beginning) also has had this feature for a long time.

Awww thanks, all of us who use Magit will switch back to git-gui now.

Seriously, it's not a competition of which git-client has more features.

Magit is much more than just "I can do that" thing. It is extremely efficient, it allows (probably) the most efficient git workflow that can be extended and customized.

It's not the most beautiful thing - the same thing can be said about an industrial excavator. But do you want a beauty or the efficiency? (You want beauty? download GitKraken or something) Can you imagine if someone removes all the controls inside the said excavator and replaces them with a single iPad like device in the middle of the dashboard? Yah, perhaps it'll be aesthetically pleasing, but would it be efficient, even if it has access to all the features and digging modes, etc.?

If you don't care about the efficiency of your git workflow, fine. But if you do, take my word for it, trust me - you wouldn't find a better way to deal with Git than Magit.

I believe this has been in intellij for a while as well: https://blog.jetbrains.com/idea/2018/02/intellij-idea-2018-1...

That's a partial hunk staging, not line-by-line based. Read the comments. IntelliJ doesn't seem to support that feature, yet (or still). I have used IntelliJ for about seven years. It does have a superb Git integration. That was the only reason why I couldn't switch to Emacs (for a very long time). I refused to believe that anyone could do better than that. I was wrong.

Lazygit can do this too:


Isn't this what Pijul does, but at a fundamental level, instead of having an extra level of abstraction on top of the snapshot-based git, and can therefore do it even "after the commit has been pushed" ?

Pijul, Mercurial, SVN, Fossil, TFS, ... Who cares? Git has won. Either we like it or not, but we're stuck with it for a long, long time. Ping me when Github starts supporting Pijul repos. I'll send you 20 bucks or something.

Remember when XML had "won" too? Then JSON came around...

Remember how Windows "won" ?

I won't ever use Github now (how are you going to export all those non-git features like tickets when github is not desirable anymore, hmm?), and neither should you if you care even a tiny bit about open source software !

> Remember when XML had "won" too? Then JSON came around...

JSON wasn't a very well-thought idea, we tried to "fix" it with yaml (which turned out to be even worse), compare it with EDN (which is far better, but sadly nobody outside of Clojure community uses much)

> Remember how Windows "won"

Windows still dominates desktop OS market and we're still waiting for "Year of Linux on the desktop". Every year some people claim it to be "this is it", but in reality, it is still far from becoming reality. With WSL now even long-time Linux users are tempted to go back to Windows. And honestly I personally don't like that.

My point is - "worse is always better" *

As I said: either you like it or not - we're stuck with Git and now with Github too.


* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Worse_is_better

Windows also pretty much "lost" on servers...

I make short YouTube videos about Emacs. I've recently done some Magit and Forge related ones [1]. I record what I learnt, so it's far from perfect. Hopefully this helps someone.

[1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ywEgcbaiys&list=PLhXZp00uXB...

I love magit. If you deal with a lot of PRs the forge extension is also very nice.

My only beef is the main interface can feel very slow sometimes.

I've learned to start using the functions directly from the M-x command line when I can. Like rather than going to the main magit interface to stage a file, just M-x stage-file. Time to stash? M-x magit-stash, etc. No need to jump to the main magit UI much of the time.

You can remove things you don't need. For example:

;; who cares about tags to be displayed in magit-refs buffer?

(remove-hook 'magit-refs-sections-hook 'magit-insert-tags)

Also there are faster shortcuts, like you said, e.g: `magit-file-dispatch (C-c M-g)`

It chokes when there are a large number of changes too because it's cycling through all the individual diffs that are initially hidden. I honestly wish there was a sparse mode to keep the initial magit status buffer as minimal as "git status".

You can also use `C-g` to interrupt the diffing algorithm if you just want to get to the minimal git status buffer. In fact that is the recommended way to deal with it.

Magit is great, I’ve used it every day for 10 years or something. There’s just one thing I haven’t got used to:

1. Stage some stuff

2. Start writing the commit message

3. Stage something else

4. Commit

The content staged at (3) doesn’t make it into the commit. This doesn’t fit my mental model from the command line: I think of “commit” as transfer all the staged content into a commit.

Initially magit didn’t do this, but I know it is intentional, and in fact the magit author has explained to me that it accurately reflects the command line. But I just seem totally unable to get used to it! I might even change it locally.

Seems you need to get comfortable with rebasing. Don't think about your commits (especially if you haven't pushed them out) like something carved in stone.

When I work, depending on what I'm doing I either commit often and don't think much about it and then later rebase and group things into meaningful chunks of work, or I just keep committing into a single commit and then at some point break it apart into smaller commits.

Most often though I do try to keep commits nice and clean from the get-go, and very often I want to add something into a commit that's a few hashes away from the HEAD. In that case I would just rebase/modify with autostash option. It will stash everything and get into rebase mode, I'll go into the stash, select things I want to be included in the commit and press `a`, then I continue rebasing, it will modify the commit, un-stash and get me to the point where I was before.

Thanks but sorry, you've missed the point of my post. If you have time, please read it again. I'm pointing out that, if you think of C-c C-c in the commit buffer as being "commit", then there's an uncomfortable conclusion: magit doesn't put everything that is currently staged into the commit. Instead what magit does is freeze the contents of the commit when you open the commit message composition buffer, so anything staged subsequently doesn't make it into the commit.

(In my original message I do say i've been using magit daily for 10 years; i'm extremely familiar with all the rebasing operations you mention. i agree they're very useful and i use them multiple times a day.)

No, I think I get what you want the first time I read it. So I did a little experiment (just to make sure I'm not wrong about it). I did everything in the command line. I staged a file, then run git commit, when it opened the editor, I switched to another terminal window and staged another file. Then I switched back and finished committing. And surely enough, just as I expected - git did not commit two files, but only one and the other stayed staged.

So the feature you're asking is not even supported by Git.

And the reason you want that feature, because Magit has spoiled you - when almost everything is nonlinear (unlike with git cmd), you want to extend it even further. Let's be pragmatic, don't complain that it is great that Tesla has autopilot option but you actually wanted it to be an amphibious vehicle, because you live next to a lake.

Right, exactly. What you describe makes sense and is the reason why magit does what it does.

Now, note that you ran `git commit`, with no arguments. Let's think about an alternative narrative on the command line, involving `git commit -m "$message"`

1. Stage a file.

2. Start drafting your commit message.

3. Stage another file.

4. Finish drafting your commit message.

5. Issue git commit -m "$message"

This time, both files make it into the commit.

So basically, we are now thinking of the Magit commit composition buffer as a place where you draft a work-in-progress commit message.

I think we can both agree that the idea of having a place where you can draft your commit message, and meanwhile alter the contents of the staging area, is not unreasonable. Perhaps as an alternative to the standard flow.

So my question to you (and those who might consider working on magit code) is: what advantages does the other model have? (other than it mirroring `git commit` with no arguments). Would one ever really want to mess about with the contents of the staging buffer while you have a pending commit message that you have not yet actually committed? Isn't it in fact more likely that what you want to do, while that commit message is pending, is alter the details of what will be committed?

Sorry, the "problem" you have is just too alien to me personally. I never had any issues with that feature of Magit, never thought about it until now. Maybe there are people just like you who'd say it's important to them - I can't relate, once again: my apologies.

I'm sure this can be "fixed" by writing some non-trivial Emacs lisp by tapping into `with-editor-finish` or `magit-commit` functions. But honestly, is that worth your time?

Emacs is weird, it makes you want weird things. So many times I would find myself irritated by "an issue" that I just stumbled on, I would write some emacs lips to fix the problem (just because I can), only later to realize there's no problem to begin with.

There's no need to apologize! It's just two different possibilities for the design of Magit. I already wrote the code this morning to do this as a quick hack. It's just a few lines and I've been writing lots of emacs lisp recently, so it didn't cost me much time. The question is whether it would be useful as a setting for other magit users. Like I say, I can see arguments for this (being able to update you commit in conjunction with working on the commit message) but neither of us have suggested an advantage of the other model yet.

  (defun myrmornis--magit-commit-staged ()
    (let ((commit-message (buffer-string)))
      (let ((with-editor-cancel-message ""))
        (with-editor-cancel nil))
        (insert commit-message)
        (goto-char (point-min))
        (delete-matching-lines "^[ \t]*#") ;; hack
        (magit-run-git-with-input "commit" "-F" "-")))

  (use-package magit
    :bind (:map with-editor-mode-map
           ("C-c C-c" . myrmornis--magit-commit-staged))

I apologized so it is clear that I'm not rejecting your idea due to my shallow thinking. Maybe you are trying to convey a story that potentially opens wide-range of possibilities and I just don't see it.

As I said, maybe there are people who'd find it extremely useful. Would you mind sharing your "hack" in https://github.com/magit/magit or https://gitter.im/magit/magit ?

(Replying to a child node because we've hit a HN depth limit I believe).

Yep sure, I can open an issue to add a setting for this. I suspect it will be rejected but that's OK; I think an issue is justified because I use git and magit very intensively and have been unable to escape the `git commit -m` mental model.

Cool. I would like to see the discussion. Perhaps this isn't an entirely unreasonable request, I'm inclining to take your side on this.

Most people don't care about this scenario because it's so easy to amend a commit. If you're doing a "git commit" with no -m, you can just leave the commit message in a draft state, finish the commit, stage more changes, do "git commit --amend", and then continue editing the commit message.

The commit itself holds the draft of the commit message.

It becomes permanent when you stop tweaking the commit and publish it.

This thread is the illustration of how cool Magit is. We're discussing some esoteric feature that could potentially be nice to have. Not some basic stuff like: "this and that doesn't work!" or "how do you even do X?"

I have only briefly used Magic, but after reading your article, I am committed. Thanks!

probably only "staged" at this point

Magit is amazing. When I use cmd line git now, I feel like a lesser primate.

Very nice article. I was distracted by mentioning themes right at the beginning, though.

I still use the command line for log and show since they are slower in magit, and this is noticeable in large repos.

Do you limit number of commits? I set mine to 250, and even that is too big of a number, I usually don't need to see that many commits at once. By not doing it in Magit, you're missing many benefits.

Examples: https://twitter.com/iLemming/status/1193025618742349824 https://twitter.com/iLemming/status/1058507342830923776

Also you can run any arbitrary git command from Magit dispatch, just press `!`

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