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I for one would not want to associate myself with Russian wealth regardless of how squeaky clean Yuri or his firm might potentially be. On that latter point, I would try to conduct extensive due diligence on them and their investors. It strikes me, however, that there are too many potential skeletons in the closet when it comes to Russian wealth that even the best of due diligence may not reveal. I would just want to stay away from any possible connections with ill-gotten wealth of the sort that is widely known to have occurred in post-Soviet Russia. I am not willing to sacrifice my principles or reputation for the sake of business -- nor would I want to directly or indirectly benefit shady characters or associate myself with potential ill-gotten wealth that could be very difficult to detect when entering into such a relationship.

Honestly, I think this is a little racist. I agree that there is risk there, but surely there are legal frameworks in place to insulate the YC companies from that risk? (If "the best of due diligence" doesn't uncover anything shady, what more could they have done?)

If you want to talk about "ill-gotten wealth" or "shady characters" do you really need to look any further than American investment firms?

This is true. No one really knows how Mr. Miner got his money and from who. You have to be a really savvy business man to make it in Russia that's for sure...Or you have to be very well connected, or you have to give a lot of bribes. I doubt that he made his money in a "clean" way. I wouldn't take the money because most likely they are tainted. But I guess it doesn't matter.

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