Corporations take loans, issue bonds, take on debt and then use that capital to give corporate officers multi-million dollar payouts, golden parachutes and to buy back stock (which they hold) which makes the corporate officers and stockholders fabulously wealthy while the debt burden of the corporation grows. Eventually the debt burden grows higher and higher and becomes more and more of a drag on the company until the company goes bankrupt, employees laid off, pension funds insolvent and the remaining assets of the company are sold off in bankruptcy proceedings. But by then corporate officers who extracted millions and those who cashed out during the stock buy backs fueled by this debt walk away incredibly wealthy, free to repeat this same cycle of behavior at yet another company. And the Toys R Us worker (or worker at any of the thousands of other corporations where the same thing takes place) who made $35,000 a year finds himself out of a job and without the pension he thought he had coming.