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What a coincidence. My Flickr pro account expires on Feb. 15 and today I've decided to move away from Flickr and not renew my account.

What I've done in the short term is to use FlickrTouchr (https://github.com/tominsam/flickrtouchr) to retrieve my ~7 GB of photos from Flickr and upload them to Dropbox. The Dropbox gallery feature works quite well and has the advantage that you can easily backup/modify the underlying files.

In the long term I'd like to move the pictures to my own server (allowing me to use my own domain, etc.) and hack together a simple frontend similar to Dropbox' gallery.

If you decide to move away from a Flickr pro account (and if you also have non-public photos on your account) don't forget that after your account is switched back to a normal account you can only access the 200 most recent photos. So if you want to delete your photos from Flickr it's best to do so before the pro account expires.

This is fine if you're just using Flickr as photo storage and publishing, but (especially for pro photographers) a big part of the reason to be on Flickr is the social networking features. If you've got people linking to your photos and photo stream, you can't easily duplicate that outside the Flickr ecosystem with your dropbox hosted photos.

>I'd like to move the pictures to my own server (allowing me to use my own domain, etc.) and hack together a simple frontend similar to Dropbox' gallery.

I think Opera's personal browser based server ("Unite") is going to have it's day (or something similar will) - http://www.opera.com/press/releases/2009/06/16/; has a "photo server" built in.

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