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I agree - I've recently learned of the importance of diversification first hand.

However, I'd argue the ability to take legal action, would actually encourage service providers to diversify their own backup strategies and procedures. If a mistake becomes too costly to consider - I think less mistakes would be likely to occur.

If a mistake becomes too costly to consider - I think less mistakes would be likely to occur.

This conclusion assumes that the people running the business are capable of resolving such issues. If they are not, then all it does is put people out of business. Not everyone grows and adapts when faced with such pressures. Some of them just go extinct.

"This conclusion assumes that the people running the business are capable of resolving such issues. If they are not, then all it does is put people out of business."

If a company can't be relied upon to look after my data - I want them to go out of business.

Unfortunately, recent years have given me the impression that if you set the bar too high, there will be so many failures that you won't have any services to turn to. That's my concern. I wish that weren't my concern and that I could heartily and unhesitatingly agree with you.

Which would also make the products much more expensive.

And I have a feeling that this money does not necessarily go into making the product more reliable, but that it is used to buy a better insurance.

You can't continue to get affordable insurance if you are continually making claims.

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