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LaunchRock Builds Viral Launch Pages (techcrunch.com)
31 points by harscoat on Feb 1, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 18 comments

Business challenge here is that you have 100% churn. Every single customer will evolve out of the "coming soon" phase, no?

Think Dropbox. They have all sorts of launches and viral referrals. These techniques could be provided as a service by LaunchRock.

Right on the money. Literally. ;)

If this is all we do then sure, but we've got a number of plans beyond just the first stage of the launch.

Subsequent product releases give a customer a reason to come back, especially if they experienced success with their initial "viral launch."

Very curious to see if this something people are interested in.

I started building a platform like this for our own sites and am working on making it into a service app. Basically a hosted version of LaunchSoon with more modern features, but not focused on web apps and invites. Besides extreme ease of use, what are people looking for in a "coming soon" site provider?

One of the things that we're looking at very seriously is integrating third party data providers such as RapLeaf to get an understanding of who is interested in you. If we can help people get a better grasp on who their product appeals to, I think that could provide tremendous value.

Sounds like a good fit for you guys. I really like your service and value in this space. This was a market we were thinking about serving but Prefinery being stalled made us question its value, so we weren't thinking of this kind of focus.

Congrats on this coming together really nicely and best wishes for you all.

Zach, I'd love to chat. Care to email me at jameson [at] launchrock [dot] com?

I'm super interested in this product (can't wait to use it) but I wonder if this is too commonly available if it will reduce the overall effectiveness.

We're concerned about that as well. The basic game dynamic that we're employing will only go so far. The key is to enable interested parties to share with other people who will also be interested. There's a lot of ways you can do that, and we're thinking hard about them.

So... How many signups before we get access? Looking forward to playing around with this...

Rolling it out in waves. Starting with the people with the most referrals.

Why would you use such a service? If you are serious about your startup or users, DIY.

Really? If you are serious about your startup, you should waste hours on a Coming Soon page instead of spending them on your product? Drop the few dollars on a service like this and get it other with.

This looks like a more ambitious version of something I worked on a little bit ago. Hopefully it works out for them. I think the key is to add features that developers normally wouldn't add if they made the page themselves (nice dashboard, populating a newsletter, sharing stuff, etc). It seems like that's exactly what LaunchRock is doing.

Great idea, digging the execution too.

Thanks man. Much more to come.

Ironic since TechCrunch bought InviteShare.

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