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I'm not siding with or against you or Flickr or anyone else here, just pointing this out: I see nothing in the FAQ or Upgrade page that indicates a Pro account ensures your files will be backed up.

(Point being, nothing site-wide in my quick glance seems to indicate a promise of the integrity and forever-ness of your data.)

sure, but I think it's reasonable to expect that. I don't pay for gmail and if it all went pop tomorrow I would be incredibly annoyed but I would accept that you get what you pay for. If I had a gmail pro account (if such a thing existed), I'd feel a little more entitled to special treatment.

I'm pretty sure when I signed up for Flickr Pro, that their TOS said something to the effect that even should Flickr go out of business, they will ensure that your photos are preserved for a reasonable amount of time.

That said, I can't seem to find it now. Weird.

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