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Time for backupify.com?

anyone know of anything like that for downloading the data locally? backing up data in the cloud to another place in the cloud just seems stupid.

i've seen some flickr-specific backup scripts that just dump all of the images to a directory, but they don't preserve titles, dates, sets, collections, tags, etc.

backing up data in the cloud to another place in the cloud just seems stupid


The difference between backing up your Flickr data to an encrypted drive at, say, Amazon and backing it up to an encrypted drive under your bed is: Amazon has better physical security, and far better redundancy, because (assuming you use S3) the "drive" you save it on there is actually a replicated data store that spans multiple regions and datacenters.

The point of backups is to provide redundant storage that is relatively uncorrelated to the original. Once you move the data to different disks at a different company in (if you like) a different country, you've done a lot to solve that problem.

i don't want to pay someone else to host a copy of my data when i have perfectly good encrypted backup mechanisms in place. i want offline copies of it to store, look at, modify, copy, etc. whenever i want, and the fewer companies that have access to my private data, the better.

also, many of the reasons backupify.com cites for needing backups would also apply to their own s3-backed service. "hackers", storage failure, human error, TOS violations, accidental account lapse/termination, etc.

Backupify allows you to download the data you backup to their cloud servers onto your local PC, and the base level of the service (2GB online backup) is free.

Back up your data on clay tablets for ultra-durable (thousand year) reliability.

If something like the Rosetta Disk (http://rosettaproject.org/disk/concept/) made of Monel (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monel) were available at a non-insane price, I'd use it.

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