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Just to address your 'logic' above though:

> "Like how Google copies the titles of web pages and snippets and puts them in search results?"

Google copies parts of web pages to benefit the website. To send traffic to them. It's beneficial to both parties which is opt-out by the webmaster.

How does Google benefit from Bing copying their search results? They don't. How can Google opt-out of Bing doing it? They can't.

Bing copying other search engines results is throwing down the gauntlet and stooping to desperation. It's MS announcing "we are not a technology company" - something I think would put off candidates who want to work at a technology company.

You might find it all morally acceptable, or even impressive. I don't.

Bing isn't copying the Google page. Bing is copying what the user typed in a form. And a link the user clicked. The benefit to the user is improved searches from Bing in the future.

Google can block Bing from crawling the search results, which it does. But Google does NOT OWN what the user typed, nor the URL the user goes to.

If MS is scraping the page that's one thing. But if MS is using information provided by the user that the user has given them permission to use, then it is completely fine.

I find it morally acceptable and impressive.

EDIT: Google could block users that have the Bing toolbar installed from using Google search.

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