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I tried to dig up a list of websites with a java-backend but my google-fu is not strong enough. I don't think that there are actually many big sites running on java.

There are tons of sites running on java. Possibly more than php.

Yup - http://wiki.java.net/bin/view/Projects/RealWorldJSFLinks

Anecdotally, a lot of those [\w+]tube porn sites probably run on a Java server considering the heavy lifting that goes on there.

Most of internet banking systems in my country run on Java. And most of them can be affected if you know where to put this number.

Yes, but fortunately, there is not much reason why anybody would use double when developing a banking system.

They don't have to use it directly.

GET / HTTP/1.0

Accept-Language: en;q=2.2250738585072012e-308

If you're running Tomcat and you call getLocale() on that servlet request, you're toast.

This is precisely why "q" is defined only to accept three digits after the decimal. It's actually not a floating point number, and anyone who parses it as such is just being lazy.

"q" is more properly represented natively as an integer between 0 and 1000.

apparently q is not properly parsed in JBoss which is based on apache tomcat scaring not?

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