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fwiw, I'm with you. Excuse the gratuitous war analogy, but I suspect the approach of OP is akin to talking about which first 8 steps to take (north-east, SW, S) when going into battle -- it's such a small scope of the whole event that it's pointless, and talking about those first steps makes one seem naive to the actual holistic task

The analogy is a very appropriate one.

If the OP spent a month learning Go, I am sure that it would make sense to him as well. Work through a series like https://senseis.xmp.net/?LearnToPlayGoSeries while playing Go regularly against a variety of opponents. Before book 3 it should be obvious.

I'll have you know that I'm a 15 Kyu Go player.

I'm not an expert by any means, but I'm well past "spend one month" learning the game.

I don't mean to offend you, but it seems you've been doing something wrong -- in my opinion, in more than a month you could've advanced much further than 15k.

If you like, I could have a look at several your lost games and maybe suggest how to improve. Just a 3k at kgs, but still.

15kyu? One can easily reach that strength after 1 week. Some ppl become pro age 9

And some people by the age of 9 learn how not to be mean to other people.

For the near term future, LeelaZero is the best public engine at computer Go.

This means if you enter a hypothetical "Cyborg" Go competition (computer-assistance allowed), the majority of newbies will simply be playing LeelaZero #1 plays over and over again.

You don't need to build an exhaustive opening book covering all possible moves. You only need to pick say, the top 5 moves LeelaZero ever considers. If you spend ~16-bytes per position and store 1-trillion positions on a 16TB Hard Drive, you'll be able to exhaustively map the top5 moves LeelaZero considers into 17-ply.

From there, you pick the positions that LeelaZero thinks its winning in, but in actuality is losing. You have a map towards 1-trillion positions to choose from, and your opponent (if they only pick from the top5 best moves LeelaZero ever outputs) will walk into your trap.


As long as your opponent picks the top 5-moves from LeelaZero, you'll have the map towards victory. I think you're severely underestimating the abilities of a simple, dumb, opening database.

I think you're missing btilly's point, which is quite valid. Bear in mind that 17-ply is absolutely nothing in go.

Time to compile that static dictionary > time for alphazero to play a few million more games against itself to advance the metagame.

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