Canada, but it's the same in the States. Unemployment is for people who have lost a job. I would not have qualified.
What stuck with me was that everything required that I already had a job. Maybe it was the economy at the time, but nobody wanted to hire someone without work experience. When I discovered that even unemployment required I have work experience, it felt like I was living in Catch-22.
For that reason, I support the government acting as an employer of last resort. Everyone should be guaranteed a job if they're willing to work.
> For that reason, I support the government acting as an employer of last resort.
I like that concept as well. But there are problems. Quality of work is one. Another is the complication of getting something useful out of that manpower. Would probably be done by lending that workforce to companies... subsidized if necessary, but with significant bargaining power. Still this could end up becoming a nightmare with incompetent / corrupt governments. It would be a great natural minimum wage, though, since you'd be stupid to work for less than you could get at you gov job.
I'm thankful that I will never be in that situation again. It was awful.