I've never used one, but it sounds like a great idea. 3rd party React components are a huge pain in the ass to work with. People do all sorts of bullshit like re-implement half of CSS in their component's API and half the time it's easier to just build the fucking thing yourself than learn all the arbitrary rules around customisation the author has conjured up.
The best reusable components are the ones that have exactly one look, which you're fine with, and are just plug in and go.
None of that is a problem with the logic behind the component though, just the display. So for something complex that has a bunch of logic behind it, it's a real nice idea to just be able to reuse that logic and whack some html and css over the top of it instead of having to read some 6 page doc every time you want to increase the width of a border or something.
The best reusable components are the ones that have exactly one look, which you're fine with, and are just plug in and go.
None of that is a problem with the logic behind the component though, just the display. So for something complex that has a bunch of logic behind it, it's a real nice idea to just be able to reuse that logic and whack some html and css over the top of it instead of having to read some 6 page doc every time you want to increase the width of a border or something.