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I tried React-Static (the founder has many inspiring videos) but I wasn't a good enough programmer to build all the nodes/pages from scratch. You are really having to code out some very basic parts of things to get it working. Support was limited.

I switched to Gatsby and have generally enjoyed it. Gatsby also has had bugs that take me 10+ hours to fix but there are enough people working on Gatsby that you can often find some blog, SO, or github issue that gets you out of the jam.

Gatsby is awesome. It's all React, you can pull from so many different data sources. The plugins mean you're not needing to re-invent the wheel.

The downside of Gatsby is still the initial learning curve and API. There's a lot of fairly arbitrary feeling parts in gatsby-node.js, gatsby-browser.js, and the plugins/config that you can get stuck on or confused by. But once you generally get where it all lives, I can't imagine switching to something else.

Recent project I built with Gatsby, Material-ui, and google sheets: berlinmusicmap.com

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