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> A fingerprint on the other hand cannot be observed.

This is not correct [1].

It won't be that long before someone gets around to training some sort of ML system to scour photographs to extract fingerprints and start building a database of everyone's fingerprints. These databases will only expand in coverage/accuracy and the quantity leaked will only increase. Fingerprints for authentication will not survive the next decade.

[1] https://www.csoonline.com/article/3268837/busted-cops-use-fi...

Interesting, though the thing in the article is still a targeted attack. You will not remember the fingerprint of the guy unlocking his phone next to you.

But I agree that ML scale attacks can definitely change what I wrote in the future. They could also be used for CCTV evaluations of people entering passcodes.

Some “finger print” tech doesn’t use actual prints, but the deeper layout of the capillaries that can’t be easily observed. I believe Apple uses this on their devices that support “fingerprint” auth.

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