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Exit Hudson, enter Jenkins (jenkins-ci.org)
80 points by bborud on Jan 31, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

I wish that this event would change Oracle's approach to open source projects. Sadly, I imagine Oracle's internal response is along the lines of, "Good riddance to those open source dweebs. Now, we can finally do it the Oracle way." Therefore, I expect Jenkins (n.e. Hudson) to be the first, not the last, of major projects that experience significant friction with Oracle which will drive good engineers away and drain significant resources from innovation and development.

The first? LibreOffice (http://www.libreoffice.org/) forked away from OpenOffice, it has released 3.3 LibreOffice, and is slated to replace OpenOffice in many distros' next releases, including Ubuntu.

I just replaced OO with LO, and had the pleasure of answering the uninstallation survey when I uninstalled OO. "Reason for uninstalling" was my tiny, tiny fist-let shaken at The Man.

I think it's a bit unfair to use this as the title when you're linking to an official Jenkins post.

The actual title doesn't make a swipe at Hudson.

The only point is that it's now hosted at jenkins-ci.com; otherwise, see http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2156828.

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