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I've gone down this road and think for most users prerendering is a better approach.

Switching to a static site framework or SSR usually means throwing away your existing processes only to be tied into a limited framework that most likely doesn't work with all the tools you already use or want to start using.

Just search for SSR on the issue trackers of some your dependencies to see what I mean - just recently a React Beta/RC broken NextJS sites...

The right approach( as we see it is to stick a prerendering and maybe a CDN in front of your site and call it a day.

Shameless self-promotion:*

I/we run oyato cloud (beta), a proxy service (à la Cloudflare) that does prerending, etc. It's per page so you can e.g. code your site in React, but have only the landing page statically rendered e.g. https://oya.to/

Demo of a Google Lighthouse simulation of the Product Hunt homepage:

- https://oya.to/demo/ph-demo.png

- or edited demo video https://oya.to/demo/ph-demo.mp4

Live demo of a statically rendered version of HN:

- https://hackernews.oya.to/

- or its onion address http://5kaps5io3job5ayhb2o2riiuw6trcavvdeluq4wfnga27j6zrr3k4...

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