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Take a look at forestry.io - it's a CMS that can use various different static site generators, but edits in the CMS are committed directly to your git repo.

So all your content stays in git, and yet you can still collaborate with non-technical partners.

I built https://www.wildernessprime.com/ (https://github.com/dave/wildernessprime) with it.

Also check out https://dlvrit.com/ - this posts new articles to social networks automatically. I've configured it so that:

* There's a tick-box in the forestry config for posting to social networks.

* When this is ticked, Hugo includes the article in a special custom RSS feed.

* dlvr.it uses that custom RSS feed as its input.

So as far as my non-technical collaborator is concerned, when they're happy with the article, they tick the Socials box in the forestry admin and it magically posts to all the social networks. It's awesome.

Tried using Forestry (twice!) for Hugo based sites. Never got it to work properly. This was at least 1 year ago.

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