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If it’s just me or other even moderately technically inclined people I’d just write straight HTML in git, no need for some fancy production.

I was recently asked to propose an alternate website for the church I go to (they ended up rejecting it, which I think is good because I’m not interested in maintaining it) and what I came up with was an mkdocs repo with a hook to auto rerun mkdocs (so like a janky homebrew version of readthedocs.io) with a custom theme (also in the repo).

I’m surprised no one has mentioned it, it’s very complete and I didn’t think it had many dependancies (as far as python projects go.) It just converts a folder full of .md to a folder full of .html and will even add edit buttons to point to a web UI for your repo host (which is really great because that means authentication isn’t your problem, I’ve heard of churches running Wordpress getting their pages replaced with porn because of that which is IMO the worst case for all of this.)

I can’t remember why I didn’t use the one written in go, I tend to gravitate towards go projects since the dependancies usually aren’t so bad and you get a (mostly) statically linked binary at the end.

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