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Individuals are not using copart to find parts in any significant number.

Copart is the defacto standard for most every mechanics shop and body shop in the country. When a car is being repaired, they can generally lookup available parts and prices using whatever software they use for generating quotes. They can choose from new oem parts, aftermarket parts, or salvage parts. The salvage parts will come from Copart's network.

In other words, when you get you gender bender repaired, there is a good chance that you insurance company is requiring that the shop try to use salvage parts first.

>When a car is being repaired, they can generally lookup available parts and prices using whatever software they use for generating quotes. They can choose from new oem parts, aftermarket parts, or salvage parts. The salvage parts will come from Copart's network.

You can call any junkyard and do the same from my experiance. Copart's advantage is a large inventory.

If I'm not mistaken, many of those junkyards are part of Copart's network as well.

"gender bender repaired" Auto-correct strikes again.

I just assumed s/he was a Cockney.

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