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The analogy I like to apply when answering the question “everything already exists” is restaurants. Every conceivable type of food already exists and there have never been more restaurants and yet new ones are opening all the time. Why? Because there is always scope for minor variation/improvement. In software as in food, start by making something for yourself. Show it to your friends (HN) and get their feedback. Iterate from there. Yes, often ideas can be solved with a spreadsheet or note-taking app, but the UX of inputting and visualising the data is what matters.

But there is scope for major improvements in tech. Make software for fields which don’t receive a lot of attention. Alternatively, make accessibility enabled software so that everyone can use and enjoy the same resources

Totally agree. There's always scope for improvement especially in the field of accessibility. I was just highlighting that people should never think that "everything has already been done" because it really hasn't.

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