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Maybe it's just me but yes, I do. I'm a very social person and coding is a solitary activity and I can't stand having spent my whole day without any meaningful human interaction. I feel and sleep better after having a meaningfull human interaction or having had a portion of exercise. If I do more coding after the coding at work I can't sleep well, my brain can't unwind before bed as it keeps crunching away at the problems.

First you say you "love coding", and I'm with you, but then you say this, and I'm not with you at all, and I think the difference might be your ticket out of your predicament. There are some foods I "love" but would quickly grow sick of if I had to eat them every day. I love them as treats but would hate them as staples. There are other foods that I merely like but have no problem eating every day. I wouldn't want to keep eating anything after I'm full, but I'm not sick of the food, just full. Tomorrow when I'm not full, I'll feel like eating it again. A staple for me.

You may have to reconsider the difference between treat and staple, coding and "meaningful human interaction". Coding remains a staple for me even though I'm often "overfed" with poorly prepared fare. I'll still want more tomorrow. So when you say you "love coding", I think, well, me too, although maybe not as much as you do--but it turns out that we're not actually the same at all. You're more "normal".

You may have to switch to a job where human interaction (the meaningful part--well, maybe sometimes) provides your staple and the coding is a special treat you indulge in on days when you feel like it.

Get a job in technical sales or PM or some other part of tech! Tons of tech jobs that desperately need social people. As a solo founder I had to spend a lot of time talking to customers etc until we grew a fair bit.

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