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I’m pretty frustrated by the thinking behind this entire comment, but I’ll address only one point

> People need to wake up to the reality that kids demand cars.

Public transport may take more time than driving, but the time spent with kids can be considered quality time, and the overall stress of the parents is likely to be lower.

edit: but good catch about the marketing fail that is not showing any families with kids

Stress is definitely higher with public transport. THe challenge is that time is the constraint. Parents need to drop off their kids and be in their office by a certain time and do the reverse in the evenings. If you are proposing public transport as the solution, then that eats time thereby creating stress as everyone worries to reach their destinations quickly.

You can be frustrated by the comment but please try to grow empathy for parents. Raising kids takes a lot out of you. You are juggling n number of things and time becomes a major constraint. So unless everything (home, school, office) is nearby within walking distance, the number of viable solutions beyond cars go dwindle down significantly.

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