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This is unreadable on mobile.

I'm also having a hard time swiping the text. So ahead of the poster:

1. learn how to communicate: being a good developer requires as much (more?) social as it does technical skills. I would recommend formal training and practice.

2. question all assumptions.

3. there is no silver bullet (read mythical man month).

4. fight complexity and over-engineering : get to your next MVP release.

5. always have a releasable build (stop talking and start coding).

6. code has little value in of itself; only rarely is a block of code reusable in other contexts.

7. requirements are a type of code, they should be written very precicely.

8. estimation is extrapolation (fortune telling) with unknown variables of an unknown function.

9. release as frequently as possible, to actual users, so you can discover the actual requirements.

10. coding is not a social activity.

A bit OT, but I really wish HN supported markdown in comments - with the current system, I often find it difficult to format as I intend, especially while on mobile.

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